... Stanowiska 1. Grinder/Szlifierz Salary 14,89€ bruto/hour 2. Operator giętarki/Walser and assistent walser (bending machine operator) 18€ bruto/hour and assistant 16€/hour 3. Transport Operator niemiecki lub holenderski 15,60€/hour 4. Regulator płomienia / Konstruktor / Tokarz / Transport 16,50€/hour 5. Welding operator, also beginner or want to learn! Certificate 121,136,135,138 - 16,50€ bruto/hour Wymagania Doświadczenie Komunikatywny jeden z języków (niemiecki, angielski lub holenderski) Chęć podjęcia pracy na trzy zmiany (praca jest również w soboty i niedzielę) Oferujemy Dodatki do stawek podstawowych plus 28% afternoon shift; plus night ...
... Stanowiska 1. Grinder/Szlifierz Salary 14,89€ bruto/hour 2. Operator giętarki/Walser and assistent walser (bending machine operator) 18€ bruto/hour and assistant 16€/hour 3. Transport Operator niemiecki lub holenderski 15,60€/hour 4. Regulator płomienia / Konstruktor / Tokarz / Transport 16,50€/hour 5. Welding operator, also beginner or want to learn! Certificate 121,136,135,138 - 16,50€ bruto/hour Wymagania Doświadczenie Komunikatywny jeden z języków (niemiecki, angielski lub holenderski) Chęć podjęcia pracy na trzy zmiany (praca jest w soboty i niedzielę) Oferujemy Dodatki do stawek podstawowych plus 28% afternoon shift; plus night shift van ...
... of large metal elements 1. Grinder/Szlifierz 14,89€ bruto/hour 2. Operator giętarki/Walser and assistent walser (bending machine operator) 18€ bruto/hour and assistant 16€/hour 3. Transport Operator niemiecki lub holenderski 15,60€/hour 4. Regulator płomienia / Konstruktor / Tokarz / Transport 16,50€/hour 5. Welding operator, also beginner or want to learn! Certificate 121,136,135,138 - 16,50€ bruto/hour plus 28% afternoon shift; plus night shift van 35%; overtime and Saturday plus 75%, Sunday 100% Free Accommodation in Vlaardingen and Spijkernisse +48502375489 Produkcja elementów metalowych Maasvlakte Obowiązki Praca na 3 zmiany 7 dni w tygodniu ...
... Our expectations: bachelors degree in a technical filed preferred (Engineer, industrialization, Technology, Plastica, Automotive etc.), deep experience in Automotive Interiors projects and launches, special knowledge/experience in machine / tool design, construction/build and follow up for lamination, stamping welding, and welding processes and equipment, knowledge in automation of processes (programming, robot, mechanics), process FMEA´s knowledge (training will be applied if required), capability to explain transfer process needs in design changes and requirements for design, suppliers and customer, used to work in a Lean, Kaizen and Six ...
... the right to access your data, including obtaining a copy of it, rectifying the data, requesting its deletion, limiting processing, objecting to the processing and transferring the data provided (to which you consented to the processing) to another data controller. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (in the future: the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. We process your personal data in order to conduct recruitment for the position indicated in the ...
... 7292712388, statistical registration number (REGON): 365249538, that becomes their Controller. You can contact the Data Controller by way of: a) traditional mail at: Piotrkowska 276 street, Łódź 90-361; b) electronic mail at: [Apply online] lub [Apply online]; c) telephone at: +48 661 799 553; d) the Data Protection Inspector: [Apply online]. Your data will be processed for the following purposes: 1) for the purposes of responding to queries regarding the recruitment processes, the purposes of providing information on current recruitment processes the legal basis for such processing is Article 6.1.a of the GDPR; 2) the purposes of carrying out and ...
... the right to access your data, including obtaining a copy of it, rectifying the data, requesting its deletion, limiting processing, objecting to the processing and transferring the data provided (to which you consented to the processing) to another data controller. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (in the future: the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. We process your personal data in order to conduct recruitment for the position indicated in the ...
... the right to access your data, including obtaining a copy of it, rectifying the data, requesting its deletion, limiting processing, objecting to the processing and transferring the data provided (to which you consented to the processing) to another data controller. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (in the future: the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. We process your personal data in order to conduct recruitment for the position indicated in the ...
... the different phases of your life journey. Joining a dedicated team of Engineers and learning our methods and systems as you go. Training will be given, and you will receive a mentor to guide you while you develop your skills. Your tasks Performing fabrication drawings in 3D. Preparing the work packages, including welding information according to the standards and project criteria, together with production and assembling requirements. Collaboration with internal teams (design and engineering). Verifying provided design by the external vendor. Supporting the production team on later stages of the projects. Miejsce pracy: Polska, Pomorskie, ...
... 7292712388, statistical registration number (REGON): 365249538, that becomes their Controller. You can contact the Data Controller by way of: a) traditional mail at: Piotrkowska 276 street, Łódź 90-361; b) electronic mail at: [Apply online] lub [Apply online]; c) telephone at: +48 661 799 553; d) the Data Protection Inspector: [Apply online]. Your data will be processed for the following purposes: 1) for the purposes of responding to queries regarding the recruitment processes, the purposes of providing information on current recruitment processes the legal basis for such processing is Article 6.1.a of the GDPR; 2) the purposes of carrying out and ...
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welding inspector
Przypominamy! Next-Jobs Polska to darmowy portal pracy, który publikuje mnóstwo przeróżnych ofert pracy z twojej okolicy. Jeśli szukasz welding inspector to jesteś w odpowiednim miejscu i pewnie znajdziesz coś dla siebie. Jeśli jednak dziś nie udało Ci się nic znaleźć prosimy NIE PODDAWAJ SIĘ!. Zarejestruj się do naszego powiadomienia i otrzymuj ZA DARMO aktualne oferty pracy wybrane specjalnie dla Ciebie.
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Wszystkie informacje ostatni raz aktualizowane były w dniu: 21 sierpnia 2017.
W bazie ofert pracy Next-Jobs Polsla mamy około 50 ofert pracy spełniających powyższe kryteria wyszukiwania.
Większość ogłoszeń bo aż około 69,8% dla wyniku wyszukiwania welding inspector nie posiada zdjęcia.
Najpopularniejsze miasta dla tego wyszukiwania to: Kościan, Małogoszcz, Wyśmierzyce, Wadowice, Siemianowice Śląskie.
Osoby, które obserwowały wynik dla welding inspector patrzyły również na: kierowca woj opolskie, wykształcenie pedagogiczne niania, operator urządzeń sosnowiec.
Popularne dodatkowe parametry dla tego wyszukiwania to: Internet / E-Commerce, Media / Sztuka / Rozrywka.
Agencje pracy publikujące oferty dla tego wyniku to min: priint.com, Adecco Poland Sp. z o.o, MB-PNEUMATYKA Sp. z o. o..