Senior DevOps Engineer


Ogłoszenie nr: 14922
Opublikowano: 3 kwietnia 2024, wyświetleń: 1



Główne cechy

Wrocław, dolnośląskie
Transition Technologies PSC S.A.
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania

Opis stanowiska

Tranistion Technologies PSC is a team of over 700 experts in the field of digital transformation, working in six Polish cities and four foreign branches (USA, Taiwan, Denmark, Germany). The company, as a Global System Integrator, works with international partners (PTC, Microsoft, Google, Atlassian, AWS, Azure, Synopsys, RealWare) to create and implement IT solutions that revolutionize the way products are designed, manufactured, managed and maintained. It serves clients all over the world, from the energy, pharmaceutical, medical devices, automotive, fmcg, communication and high technology sectors.


5+ years of IT Engineering experience
Strong AWS experience 3+ years (AWS certified preferred)
Strong Python experience
Strong Continous Integration and Continous Deployment experience
Relevant experience in Iaac (Terraform preffered)
Relevant Kubernetes experience
Familarity with incident response, incident management
Language: Fluent English

Nice to have:

Experience with Helm
Familairty with deploying Java applications
Other Iaac tools
SRE experience

What can we offer:

Flexible forms of employment and working hours (CoE or B2B)
An interesting, challenging job in the dynamically developing Capital Group company;
Work on innovative projects using modern technologies;
Direct impact on shaping the image of the Capital Group's companies on the market;
Possibility to develop competences in a wide range;
Attractive salary;
Stability of employment and a friendly work atmosphere;
Cool benefits, among others integration meetings, internal company competitions, fruit Tuesdays, sweet Thursdays and much more;


I agree to the processing of my personal data contained in my application documents by the company Transition Technologies PSC S.A. with its registered office in Łódź at Piotrkowska 276 street, KRS number: 0000930989, tax ID number (NIP): 7292712388, statistical registration number (REGON): 365249538, that becomes their Controller.
You can contact the Data Controller by way of: a) traditional mail at: Piotrkowska 276 street, Łódź 90-361; b) electronic mail at: [Apply online] lub [Apply online]; c) telephone at: +48 661 799 553; d) the Data Protection Inspector: [Apply online].
Your data will be processed for the following purposes: 1) for the purposes of responding to queries regarding the recruitment processes, the purposes of providing information on current recruitment processes the legal basis for such processing is Article 6.1.a of the GDPR; 2) the purposes of carrying out and completing the recruitment process (Article 6.1.c GDPR);
3) preparation and conclusion of a preliminary contract (if applicable) and employment contracts (Article 6.1.b GDPR); 4) preparation of a referral for medical examinations (Article 6.1.c GDPR), as it is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation under Art. 229 § 4a of the Act of June 26, 1974 Labor Code, in accordance with the referral template in the relevant Regulation of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare for this obligation; 5) the purposes of taking action on your initiative with the view to signing a contract (in the event of a successful outcome of the recruitment) (Article 6.1.b GDPR) or the purposes of taking action on the initiative of Transition Technologies PSC with the view to signing a contract (in the event of a successful outcome of the recruitment; including the conduct and evaluation of tests of the candidates qualifications, if applicable) the legal basis for such processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller consisting in recruiting an employee (Article 6.1.f GDPR);
6) to establish, defend or assert claims (Article 6.1.f GDPR), as the processing is necessary to pursue a legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller, consisting in establishing, defending or asserting the same; 7) in the event of an additional consent being granted for the purposes of considering you for future recruitment (Article 6.1.a GDPR); 8) in the event that you provide data other than those required by law on the basis of your consent, for the purposes of implementing the recruitment process (Article 6.1.a GDPR), and in the event of provisions of special category data
Article 9.2.a GDPR.
You have the right to: 1) access, rectify, request erasure of your data, as well as the right to restrict processing of your data, the right to data portability, and the right to object to the processing of your data; 2) withdraw your consent at any time without such withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of said consent prior to its withdrawal, insofar as the processing is carried out on the basis of Article 6.1.a or Article 9.2.a GDPR; 3) lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych), st. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, if in your opinion your personal data are processed in violation of the rules on personal data protection.
Your personal data may be transferred to: 1) other entities within the Transition Technologies group of companies, 2) providers of IT systems and hosting services for the Company,
3) recruitment agencies, 4) entities providing HR and payroll services for the Company, 5) law firms and legal advisors. Since the Company conducts business internationally, it may be necessary to transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area. No automated decision-making, including profiling, will be carried out in connection with the processing of your personal data.
Your data will be processed for the period of: 24 months from the moment of submission of an application, CV or your contact with the Data Controller via the contact form available in the career tab in the event that you consent to participating in recruitment processes during the aforesaid period.
Your provision of your personal data to the extent required by the provisions of labour law is mandatory and necessary for the purposes of the recruitment process. Your provision of any data other than those mentioned above is voluntary, and your refusal to provide the same will not entail any adverse consequences.
In the course of the recruitment process, you should not provide special category data
(i.e. data such as those listed in art. 9 of the GDPR, concerning your racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health, sexuality or sexual orientation; or data such as those listed in art. 10 of the GDPR: criminal convictions or violations of law). However, if you wish to do so (data such as art. 9 of the GDPR) because you believe it to be necessary for the recruitment process, you will be required to give your explicit consent for the processing thereof by way of: completing an additional statement that you will receive from our HR Department. If we do not have your unambiguous consent to the processing of categories of data base on art. 9 of the GDPR and when you provide us with the data from the art. 10 of the GDPR we will have to remove them from your application documents and do not include them in the recruitment process. Should the Data Controller plan to process your personal data for any purpose other than the purposes defined in Section II above, you will be informed in advance of any such other purpose and provided with any relevant information regarding such processing via email.


Working in DevOps teams to continuously deliver high-quality systems
Develop and maintain AWS infrastructure using IaaC best practice and Terraform
Develop and mantain DevOps tools in Python
Develop and mainatin DevOps pipelines
Deploy applications to Kubernetes
Involvment in SDLC process (from development to production)

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 3 kwietnia 2024, wyświetleń: 1

Firma: Transition Technologies PSC S.A.

Lokalizacja: Wrocław, dolnośląskie

Kategoria: IT - Rozwój oprogramowania

Informacje dodatkowe:

Transition Technologies PSC S.A.

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Senior DevOps Engineer

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

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