We would like to present a new offer from our Partner, a Danish company from the renewable energy industry. We are looking for experienced DevOps Engineer. Details below: DevOps Engineer Remote, flexible hours Your key tasks will be: setting up new and maintaining existing Kubernetes clusters, both on premises and in Cloud working with tools such as Kubernetes, AKS, Terraform, Azure DevOps (ADO), Velero working with scripts automation (Python) contributing to design and implementing governance standards of Kubernetes platform with the rest of K8s Community of Practice Requirements: strong experience of containerization in AKS (Azure Kubernetes ...
Our Partner, a Danish company from the renewable energy industry is looking for Senior Cloud Data Platform Engineer (Azure). The expected end date is April 2023. Senior Cloud Data Platform Engineer (Azure) Remote 230-250 PLN net/h What you'll be a part of: Youll be part of the Data Platform Competency Centre where you, together with your colleagues from Kuala Lumpur and Denmark, will deliver value to the business across an IT organisation with more than 1000 employees. Youll be a central part of our diverse and collaborative team which evolves, develops, and maintains the common infrastructure, libraries, and tooling of the Data Ecosystem. Youll ...
Our Partner, a company from the renewable energy industry, is looking for experienced SAP BW Consultan. Youll be part of ERP Development and Analytics where you, together with your colleagues, will be part of a product delivery team consisting of data experts while working with business and functional consultants in SAFe Agile construct. Together with your team, youll enhance their capabilities in areas related to SAP BW, BI, and SAP Analytics. SAP BW Consultant Remote 30000 - 33000 net/month Youll play an important role in: engaging in dialogue with your Agile team to understand objectives, discussing technical possibilities, and solution design, as ...
Currently, for one of our clients: a global technology leader focusing on intelligent infrastructure for decentralized energy systems, automation and digitization of process and manufacturing industries, as well as intelligent mobility solutions for the road and rail transportation industry, we are looking for: Responsibilities: ... from the best professionals in the industry, employment under an employment contract, a package of additional benefits - recreation and sports card, private medical care, an interesting and challenging position. Agencja zatrudnienia Trenkwalder & Partner Sp. z o.o., nr cert. 388. Miejsce pracy: Polska, Dolnośląskie, Wrocław
Currently, for one of our clients: a global technology leader focusing on intelligent infrastructure for decentralised energy systems, automation and digitisation of process and manufacturing industries, as well as intelligent mobility solutions for the road and rail transport industry, we are looking for people to fill the ... We offer: 100% remote job, competitive salary and benefits (Lunch Subvention, Holiday Allowance, Private Medical Care, Sport Card, Life Insurance), extra paid vacation days, interesting and challenging career path. Agencja zatrudnienia Trenkwalder & Partner Sp. z o.o., nr cert. 388. Miejsce pracy: Polska, Mazowieckie, Warszawa
... Strong organizational and project management skills Well-developed verbal and written communication skills Service and delivery approach Fluency in the English and Polish languages Positive attitude, personal maturity, readiness to deal with challenges What we offer Amazing colleagues to work with, share and learn from High-energy atmosphere of a growing and successful company Competitive salary Flexible working hours Well-equipped office located in the center of the city Private medical insurance for employees and their family members Corporate benefit program Benefits private medical care remote work opportunities flexible working time fruits ...
Currently, for one of our clients: a global technology leader focusing on intelligent infrastructure for decentralised energy systems, automation and digitisation of process and manufacturing industries, as well as intelligent mobility solutions for the road and rail transport industry, we are looking for people to fill the ... We offer: 100% remote job, competitive salary and benefits (Lunch Subvention, Holiday Allowance, Private Medical Care, Sport Card, Life Insurance), extra paid vacation days, interesting and challenging career path. Agencja zatrudnienia Trenkwalder & Partner Sp. z o.o., nr cert. 388. Miejsce pracy: Polska, Śląskie, Katowice
... Polish languages Positive attitude, personal maturity, readiness to deal with challenges What we offer Amazing colleagues to work with, share and learn from High-energy atmosphere of a growing and successful company Competitive salary Flexible working hours Well-equipped office located in the center of the city Private medical ... global engineering talent, lean software development practices, and a high-performance product culture. Founded in 2006, Grid Dynamics is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices across the US, Mexico, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, India, and Central and Eastern Europe. Join us and prepare to grow! HR Business Partner Aplikuj
Currently, for one of our clients: a global technology leader focusing on intelligent infrastructure for decentralised energy systems, automation and digitisation of process and manufacturing industries, as well as intelligent mobility solutions for the road and rail transport industry, we are looking for people to fill the ... new interest, systematically follow-up assigned qualified leads in our CRM collaborating with other demand development reps, direct sales, partners or internal partner reps, send appropriate follow-up materials (video, whitepapers, literature) and document all activities in the CRM system, works with sales to develop ...
... analytical skills and ability to identify key business issues and propose solutions strong Excel skills, min. B2+/ C1 level of English a self-motivated and high energy individual that thrives in an environment of empowerment. Employment agency entry number 47 this job offer is intended for people over 18 years of age What we ... finance, pricing strategy support, coordination on execution and reporting - commercial finance, communication across business partners and antoher teams, partner with Divisional Managers and their direct reports in controlling, supervising accounting/month-end close process via actuals analysis and control, forecast and ...
Currently, for one of our clients: a global technology leader focusing on intelligent infrastructure for decentralised energy systems, automation and digitisation of process and manufacturing industries, as well as intelligent mobility solutions for the road and rail transport industry, we are looking for people to fill the ... new interest, systematically follow-up assigned qualified leads in our CRM collaborating with other demand development reps, direct sales, partners or internal partner reps, send appropriate follow-up materials (video, whitepapers, literature) and document all activities in the CRM system, works with sales to develop ...
... Aktualnie zajmujemy czołową pozycję w branży SEO, z wielką chęcią i odwagą wkraczamy na rynki międzynarodowe. Dzięki świetnym specjalistom i ekspertom Sunrise System działa na rynku już 17 lat! Możemy pochwalić się statusem Premier Google Partner co daje naszej firmie rangę Premium. Na naszym koncie mamy zrealizowane już tysiące kampanii SEO/SEM. W ofercie naszej firmy znajduje się między innymi tworzenie i pozycjonowanie stron internetowych, działania z zakresu Link Buildingu i Content Marketingu. Odpowiadamy za tworzenie kampanii reklamowych w Google AdWords oraz social mediach. Do Twoich zadań należeć będzie: obsługa prawna Spółki należącej do ...
Sunrise System, Partner Google Premium i część Bauer Media Group, to największa pod względem skali działania agencja SEO/SEM w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Firma jest nie tylko duża, ale i wciąż rośnie. W 2019 uruchomiliśmy nowe projekty inwestycyjne, a duża liczba nowych Klientów oznacza stworzenie kolejnych etatów dla specjalistów z różnych działów. By przyspieszyć proces pozyskiwania talentów, aktualnie poszukujemy również wyjątkowych Kandydatów / Kandydatki na stanowisko: Oczekujemy, że posiadasz: przynajmniej rok doświadczenie w Obsłudze Klienta Biznesowego (B2B) opiece i dosprzedaży; umiejętność budowania długofalowych relacji; dobra znajomość ...
Nasze wymagania Gotowość do prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej Gotowość do podróży służbowych i pracy w terenie - prawo jazdy kat. B Doświadczenie w handlu Umiejętność organizacji czasu pracy Umiejętność budowania relacji Asertywność i dokładność To oferujemy Umowę współpracy na czas nieokreślony Pakiet szkoleń wdrożeniowych Atrakcyjne stałe wynagrodzenie zasadnicze + premia Niezbędne narzędzia pracy (samochód służbowy, tablet, telefon służbowy) Perspektywę rozwoju zawodowego Wybrane przez Ciebie atrakcyjne benefity pozapłacowe (pakiet ...
Aktualnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy osób na stanowisko: Zadania: prace pomocnicze w sklepie, prace porządkowe (układanie towaru). Wymagania: pełnoletność, dyspozycyjność na soboty, niedziele handlowe, godziny do uzgodnienia, doświadczenie w podobnych pracach - mile widziane. Oferujemy: praca jeszcze w styczniu, stawkę 27,70 zł/godz., umowę zlecenie, lokalizacja: Łódź C.H. Port. Kontakt: Edyta 605-151-460. Agencja zatrudnienia Trenkwalder & Partner Sp. z o.o., nr cert. 388. Miejsce pracy: Polska, Łódzkie, Łódź
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Wszystkie informacje ostatni raz generowane były w dniu: 8 sierpnia 2017.
W bazie ofert pracy Next-Jobs Polsla mamy około 1046 ogłoszeń spełniających powyższe kryteria wyszukiwania. Większość ogłoszeń bo aż około 56,2% dla zapytania energy partner nie posiada zdjęcia.
Najpopularniejsze miasta dla tego wyszukiwania to: Bytom Odrzański, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Kamień Pomorski, Bełchatów.
Osoby, które obserwowały wynik dla energy partner patrzyły również na: quality specialist mazowieckie, sprzataczka holandia, zatrudnię katowicach.
Popularne dodatkowe parametry dla tego wyszukiwania to: Sezonowa.
Agencje pracy publikujące ogłoszenia dla tego wyniku to min: Agencja Pracy Headhunters, Zeitmann Żeńczuk Michura sp.j., Grupa S.O.S, AiR Finanse, Talentor.