Product Manager


Ogłoszenie nr: 4381
Opublikowano: 12 kwietnia 2022, wyświetleń: 2



Główne cechy

Aniołowie Konsultingu
Forma zatrudnienia

Opis stanowiska

We would like to invite you to the project carried out by the international organization based in the USA. This is a great opportunity to create products that have a direct impact on the development of technology and the safety of millions of people around the world!
Role: Product Manager
Rate: 140+ PLN/h netto
Contract: B2B
Main duties:

Ensure the product direction provides value to the end user and the business value
Curate roadmaps, facilitates meetings, and administrative work to ensure the product has the support it needs to succeed
Manage the product backlog, writing acceptance criteria, and managing the products official release
Lead the Iterative Planning Meetings to ensure stories are pointed accurately and prioritized in a way that best fits the needs of the users

The Product Managers shall be considered based on type and years experience in the following key areas:

3+ years of experience in a product management function
Proven experience with deep understanding of customers, technology, and competition, and ability to execute product strategy
Experience driving the product vision and success across the agile team and effectively communicating this vision to product owner
Experience managing product roadmaps, backlogs, and prioritization
Experience with planning for and execution of product information campaign using modern communication channels (twitter, facebook, blogs, etc)
Experience working with high performing software development teams following agile methodologies (Participate in standups, retrospectives, design reviews, user research, and demos)
Comfortable facilitating productive meetings that drive product outcomes
Able to translate the needs of users and manage their priorities with the business value of the organization
Knowledgeable and continuously educated on industry best practices for product managers overseeing web applications (including Agile methodologies, TDD, CI/CD, etc)
Previous exposure to cloud native applications, and associated production cycles
SCRUM Master or similar Agile Methodologies Certification
Fluent in English (written and Oral)

If you are interested in the offer, please send your CV and fill in the form under the "Apply now" button. We will contact you and present the details!

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 12 kwietnia 2022, wyświetleń: 2

Firma: Aniołowie Konsultingu

Wynagrodzenie: Dowolne

Forma zatrudnienia: B2B

Informacje dodatkowe:

Aniołowie Konsultingu

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Product Manager

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

Powiadamiaj mnie o podobnych ofertach pracy

Next-Jobs informuje, że administratorem danych osobowych przetwarzanych w tym procesie rekrutacyjnym, jest podmiot publikujący ofertę pracy. Podmiot ten odpowiedzialny jest również za realizację wszelkich obowiązków prawnych, o jakich jest mowa w ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.)
Wysyłając aplikacje akceptujesz nasz regulamin.
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Umowa o pracę
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