Finance Director CEE


Ogłoszenie nr: 34710
Opublikowano: 11 kwietnia 2024, wyświetleń: 1



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Opis stanowiska

Your new company
Hays is the market leader in the UK and Asia Pacific and one of the market leaders in Continental Europe and Latin America. The c.12,800 people we employ around the world partner with clients and candidates to power the world of work. Every day our expert consultants help thousands of candidates find their next role, and they also help clients reshape workforces and deal with talent shortages. In the year to 30 June 2021, we placed 77,000 people in permanent jobs and 244,000 people into temporary roles. For more information about our global network, strategy and Group financial results, visit
Your new role
Senior finance executive responsible for Central and Eastern Europe region (CEE), working alongside CEE Managing Director and member of CEE region Executive Board. Responsibility for delivery of finance across CEE region (comprising Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania), with responsibility for Country Finance Directors and an overall regional finance team of c. 35 members.

Working alongside Regional Managing Director and Executive team as a key stakeholder on defining and executing operational strategy
Responsible for defining the regional finance strategy and structure, delivery and optimisation of transactional finance, quality of financial reporting and BI
Finance leadership including mentoring and developing country/regional Finance Directors as well as broader finance team members
Responsibility for few teams and areas: finance, accounting, controlling, legal, payroll& admin teams
Key focus on cost control and working capital management
Responsible for ensuring data integrity, best practices and ongoing compliance with internal and external reporting and controls
Ultimate ownership of internal controls and fiscal management for the region, including balance sheet controls and management of key risks and debt
Responsibility for the CEE region budget, forecasting, reporting and insight into current trading and overall business performance
Business Performance Analysis: Providing financial insights and analysis to support decision-making and drive continuous improvement in commercial performance. This involves monitoring key financial indicators, conducting variance analysis, identifying trends and opportunities, and making data-driven recommendations to optimise commercial strategies and enhance profitability.
Compliance and Risk Management: Ensure compliance with financial regulations and internal controls, mitigating financial risks associated with sales operations.
Responsible for the month-end closing and reporting, tax declarations
Preparing ad-hoc reports, on demand of EMEA FD and CEE MD
First line contact for both internal and external stakeholders (audit, banks, tax,)
Being a strong support in the area of Legal issues (both internal and external) as well as Employment & payrolling team

What you'll need to succeed
Qualified Accountant with excellent knowledge of Polish accounting and tax law as well as finance reporting legal requirements
Significant experience in a finance leadership role, including a track record of people development and operational involvement.
Min 10 years of professional experience being a Finance Director
Experience working in a global company with operations in multiple regions
Strong people management skills, experienced in leading various, spread and big teams
Experience sponsoring large change programmes with a complex stakeholder map, having the vision to see the end goal and people/change-management skills to ensure delivery
Proficiency in driving change management, implementing new processes and procedures, financing, and creating new entities is highly desirable.
Experienced in acting as a strong and true business partner to operations
Commercially astute and prepared to play a challenging role and key business partner for the Regional Managing Director
Attention to detail, be prepared and able to spot problems and get to the bottom of issues, whilst having the ability to stand back and see the bigger picture
Strong stakeholder management, both within the local CEE leadership team and key group stakeholders, including Group CEO/CFO, Group FC, Group Strategy Director, Group Head of Tax and Internal Audit
Exceptional commercial acumen and entrepreneurial skills
Proactive, hands-on, solution-oriented mentality with a keen eye for detail
Strong strategic thinking combined with excellent analytical abilities
Strategic thinker with the ability to translate financial data into actionable insights.
Open for travelling from time to time
Fluent in Polish and English

What you'll get in return
The independent, responsible and challenging role of CEE FD
Working at a great, international organisation, listed on stock exchange
Potential to give added value to an organisation, being able to suggest and implement new solutions
Hybrid working
Cooperation with great, experienced and mature teams
Package: attractive salary and bonus scheme, company car and many additional benefits

If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.
Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

Miejsce pracy: Polska, Mazowieckie, Warszawa

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 11 kwietnia 2024, wyświetleń: 1

Forma zatrudnienia: Pełny etat

Informacje dodatkowe:

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Finance Director CEE

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

Powiadamiaj mnie o podobnych ofertach pracy

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