Oferty pracy:


KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdańsk, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join our innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. Data Migration Specialist Key Responsibilities: Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
Zobacz również
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdańsk, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. DataStage Developer Key Responsibilities: Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and efficiency ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdańsk, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

The Data Engine and Mapping team, within our client's banking area company, is seeking a skilled Database Tester to contribute to a critical project. The team is responsible for replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions to the N Collateral Solution (NCS). This involves comprehensive data analysis, mapping, development, and testing of replication/migration engines, as well as ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the replicated data. Database Tester Main Responsibilities Understand mapping documents and translate them into effective test cases Define, execute, and enhance test coverage for collateral data ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Szczecin, zachodniopomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Poszukujemy doświadczonych konstruktorów, do projektu u naszego klienta, który jest czołowym producentem zautomatyzowanych systemów logistyki wewnętrznej. Klient jest firmą z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem, dysponującą jednym z najnowocześniejszych zakładów produkcyjnych w Europie i zatrudniającą inżynierów, techników oraz wysokiej klasy specjalistów. Konstruktor (SolidWorks) Wymagania Min. 3 lata doświadczenia w pracy konstruktorskiej oraz w przenośnikach i liniach e-commerce Wykształcenie wyższe techniczne (np. mechanika, mechatronika, budowa maszyn) Bardzo dobra znajomość SolidWorks, CAD Znajomość j. angielskiego na poziomie pozwalającym ...

Inżynieria / Konstrukcje / Technologia
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Warszawa, mazowieckie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join our innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. Data Migration Specialist Key Responsibilities: Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Warszawa, mazowieckie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join our innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. DataStage Developer Key Responsibilities Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and efficiency ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdynia, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. DataStage Developer Key Responsibilities: Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and efficiency ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdynia, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Join our innovative team at Data Engine and Mapping, where you will play a crucial role in replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions. This involves analyzing and mapping legacy data to the NCS data model, developing and testing replication/migration engines, verifying replicated data, and orchestrating business verification. Collaborate closely with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition before finalizing the migration to the new solution. Data Migration Specialist Key Responsibilities: Design and implement ETL flows for seamless data migration Monitor and enhance ETL processes for optimal performance and ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Warszawa, mazowieckie :: ponad 30 dni temu

The Data Engine and Mapping team, within our client's banking area company, is seeking a skilled Database Tester to contribute to a critical project. The team is responsible for replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions to the N Collateral Solution (NCS). This involves comprehensive data analysis, mapping, development, and testing of replication/migration engines, as well as ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the replicated data. Database Tester Main Responsibilities Understand mapping documents and translate them into effective test cases Define, execute, and enhance test coverage for collateral data ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
Zobacz również
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Gdynia, pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

The Data Engine and Mapping team, within our client's banking area company, is seeking a skilled Database Tester to contribute to a critical project. The team is responsible for replicating and migrating collateral data from various legacy solutions to the N Collateral Solution (NCS). This involves comprehensive data analysis, mapping, development, and testing of replication/migration engines, as well as ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the replicated data. Database Tester Main Responsibilities Understand mapping documents and translate them into effective test cases Define, execute, and enhance test coverage for collateral data ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Lublin, lubelskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Our client is seeking skilled Oracle APEX developers to join their team dedicated to the development and maintenance of APEX applications for a crucial business area. Oracle APEX Developer Key Responsibilities Develop and maintain Oracle APEX applications for various business solutions Collaborate with the team to ensure efficient and effective solutions Utilize your expertise in Liquibase or Flyway for seamless database management Showcase your GIT proficiency, including the ability to skillfully navigate and resolve conflicts Implement REST APIs for data exchange within the applications Harness your knowledge of APEX API, including the ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Warszawa, mazowieckie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Our client is seeking skilled Oracle APEX developers to join their team dedicated to the development and maintenance of APEX applications for a crucial business area. Oracle APEX Developer Key Responsibilities Develop and maintain Oracle APEX applications for various business solutions Collaborate with the team to ensure efficient and effective solutions Utilize your expertise in Liquibase or Flyway for seamless database management Showcase your GIT proficiency, including the ability to skillfully navigate and resolve conflicts Implement REST APIs for data exchange within the applications Harness your knowledge of APEX API, including the ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Kraków, małopolskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Our client is seeking skilled Oracle APEX developers to join their team dedicated to the development and maintenance of APEX applications for a crucial business area. Oracle APEX Developer Key Responsibilities Develop and maintain Oracle APEX applications for various business solutions Collaborate with the team to ensure efficient and effective solutions Utilize your expertise in Liquibase or Flyway for seamless database management Showcase your GIT proficiency, including the ability to skillfully navigate and resolve conflicts Implement REST APIs for data exchange within the applications Harness your knowledge of APEX API, including the ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Poznań, wielkopolskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Our client is seeking skilled Oracle APEX developers to join their team dedicated to the development and maintenance of APEX applications for a crucial business area. Oracle APEX Developer Key Responsibilities Develop and maintain Oracle APEX applications for various business solutions Collaborate with the team to ensure efficient and effective solutions Utilize your expertise in Liquibase or Flyway for seamless database management Showcase your GIT proficiency, including the ability to skillfully navigate and resolve conflicts Implement REST APIs for data exchange within the applications Harness your knowledge of APEX API, including the ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
KUBO Sp. z o.o. :: Olsztyn, warmińsko-mazurskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

Our client is seeking skilled Oracle APEX developers to join their team dedicated to the development and maintenance of APEX applications for a crucial business area. Oracle APEX Developer Key Responsibilities Develop and maintain Oracle APEX applications for various business solutions Collaborate with the team to ensure efficient and effective solutions Utilize your expertise in Liquibase or Flyway for seamless database management Showcase your GIT proficiency, including the ability to skillfully navigate and resolve conflicts Implement REST APIs for data exchange within the applications Harness your knowledge of APEX API, including the ...

Informatyka / Programowanie
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Dodatkowe informacje i dane statystyczne dla wyszukiwania: KUBO

Wszystkie informacje ostatni raz generowane były w dniu: 12 sierpnia 2017.

W bazie ofert pracy Next-Jobs Polsla mamy około 26 ogłoszeń spełniających powyższe kryteria wyszukiwania.
Większość ogłoszeń bo aż prawie 93,7% dla zapytania KUBO nie posiada zdjęcia.

Najpopularniejsze miasta dla tego wyszukiwania to: Pieńsk, Augustów, Głogówek.

Osoby, które obserwowały wynik dla KUBO sprawdzały także: district manager warszawa, roznoszenie ulotek skarżysko kamienna.

Najpopularniejsze dodatkowe parametry dla tego wyszukiwania to: Inżynieria / Konstrukcje / Technologia.

Agencje pracy publikujące oferty dla tego wyniku to min: KUBO.

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