Customer Success Manager 1 with Dutch


Ogłoszenie nr: 9534
Opublikowano: 24 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 1



Główne cechy

Warszawa, mazowieckie
Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Opis stanowiska

Your responsibilities
Customer Onboarding:

Utilizes standard onboarding templates and checklists and uses some judgment to make modifications to the standard during onboarding based on customers needs and project scope
Uses the three phase methodology for onboarding. (Three phases include: Pre-Onboarding / Kick-off Onboarding / Continuous Follow up)
- Phase 1: May not conduct pre-onboarding, depending on location and size of Customer
- Phase 2: Conduct (set up and facilitate) kick-off meeting
- Phase 3: For key Customer pro-actively designs a regular cadence with customers to understand how the customer is doing. Cadence may be less frequent for this level of CSM and customer

All Phases: - Communicates effectively, able to translate internal processes to be able to set customer expectations. - Able to communicate with customers what other teams at EQX do and how customers should utilize them


Collect basic information about your customer so that the experience can be personalized
Knows and can articulate basic EQX process, policies and escalation paths
Post onboarding, follows up on actions and tasks
Able to utilize inquiry (questioning) skills with the customer in order to better understand their business. Questions are likely basic and may rely on a script to know what questions to ask

Adoption and Customer Success Management:

May develop, maintain and track progress of a Customer Success Plan
Review product and process adoption by understanding customer usage patterns
Able to articulate an understanding of EQX products (current and future) to educate customers on key concepts
Collect customer feedback, providing it to relevant teams to Improve the Customer Experience
Review feedback trends across Customers, able to articulate behavior differences
May proactively review product utilization and solicit potential solutions


May attend presale internal discussions to understand account potential.
Acts as a customer advocate
Ensure smooth and clear handoff to/from internal teams
Aware of customer health for their key Customers
Accumulate and utilize methods of best practices * Participate in cross functional teams for select customer projects

Issue and Escalation Management:

Assess issue/escalation to validate, prioritize and progress accordingly with support from management
Manage, document and raise visibility of critical escalations as appropriate with support from management Engage key stakeholders as needed to ensure adherence to standard operating procedures, policies/rules/restrictions and when resolving issues and communicating externally with support from management
Identify process improvement opportunity or plan
Participate in and/or collate issue post mortem/root cause analysis, to communicate resolution and any improvement plans when required with support from management


Be the main point of contact for the customer providing honest and empathetic support, for CSM managed escalations. Escalate to GEM and functional teams as agreed
Work cross functionally to proactively engage internal colleagues in order to provide ongoing, timely updates and resolutions to the customer with support from management
Provide global consistent communication

Account Management & Retention:

Involved in managing accounts in conjunction with Sales and management, including support of order fulfilment and other contractual obligations
Flags churn risks as they become known and proactively engages with Sales and management to raise awareness of potential churn
Manages delivery of regular Operational Serview Review for selected accounts with minimal customization of the standard template


Drives high customer satisfaction
Able to support simple customer projects independently
Our requirements
Communication skills are essential, fluent Dutch and English are required
Participation in stock purchase ESPP program
sharing the costs of sports activities
private medical care
sharing the costs of professional training & courses
life insurance
integration events
no dress code
coffee / tea
meal passes
employee referral program
charity initiatives
Job Summary
Provide best in class support through the evaluation of customer loyalty and oversight of regional customers. Typically manages a larger number of smaller sized accounts within a moderate scope. Works independently and receives instructions on new assignments.
Equinix is the worlds digital infrastructure company®, operating over 250 data centers across the globe. Digital leaders harness Equinix's trusted platform to bring together and interconnect foundational infrastructure at software speed. Equinix enables organizations to access all the right places, partners and possibilities to scale with agility, speed the launch of digital services, deliver world-class experiences and multiply their value, while supporting their sustainability goals.

A career at Equinix means you will collaborate on work that impacts the world and be surrounded by endless opportunities to learn new skills and grow in varied directions. We embrace diversity in thought and contribution and are committed to providing an equitable work environment that is foundational to our core values as a company and is vital to our success.

Customer Success Manager 1 with Dutch


Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 24 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 1

Firma: Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Lokalizacja: Warszawa, mazowieckie

Kategoria: 0

Informacje dodatkowe:

Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Customer Success Manager 1 with Dutch

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

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