Junior Process Officer with Danish Language Skills in Łódź


Ogłoszenie nr: 6140
Opublikowano: 15 grudnia 2022, wyświetleń: 2



Główne cechy

Finanse / Ekonomia

Opis stanowiska

Opis stanowiska:
Welcome to the Corporate Lending Services 1 team. We add value by delivering multiply services connected with lending process towards our Corporate customers in Denmark. As Junior Process Officer (with Danish) in Corporate Lending Services Team youll play a valuable role in delivering banking services according to standards and in being courageously innovative to exceed customers expectations.

What youll be doing:

Preparing product offering within wide range of lending products for our Corporate customers in accordance with the procedures and regulations
Solving different sort of problems and requests concerning lending process for Corporate customers
Broadening knowledge of banking services
Creating, developing and updating process documentation
Working with internal applications and procedures to meet customers ever-changing needs, as well as working with methodologies that help improve our way of working, to be more effective and productive in our tasks
Collaborating across borders with colleagues in Scandinavian countries
Helping continuously improve process routines with new ideas and inputs

Youll join a a real Nordic team in Poland. The role is based in Łódź.

Who you are

Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the values that guide us in being at our best and that we imagine you share with us.

Your experience and background:

Danish native or at least C1 level
English on a communicative level
Ability to make independent decisions (willing to think outside the box)
Analytical mindset
Good knowledge of MS Office tools
Being able to handle stressful situations and goal-oriented
Experience in banking would be an asset
University degree and previous international experience (not a requirement but seen as a benefit)

If this sounds like you, get in touch!

Next steps

Submit your application no later than 09/12/2022.

At Nordea, we know that an inclusive workplace is a sustainable workplace. We deeply believe that our diverse backgrounds, experiences, characteristics and traits make us better at serving customers and communities. So please come as you are.

Please include permit for processing personal data in CV as following:

In accordance with art. 6 (1) a and b. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter GDPR. I agree to have: my personal data, education and employment history proceeded for the purposes of current and future recruitment processes in Nordea Bank Abp.

The administrator of your personal data is: Nordea Bank Abp operating in Poland through its Branch, address: Aleja Edwarda Rydza Śmiglego 20, 93-281 Łodź. Your personal data will be processed for the recruitment processes in Nordea Bank Abp. You have a right to access your personal data, right to rectify and right to delete. Disclosing the personal data in the scope specified by the provisions of Polish Labour Code from 26 June 1974 and executive acts are mandatory. Providing personal data is necessary to conduct the recruitment processes. The request for the deletion of your personal data means resignation from further participation in recruitment processes and causes the immediate removal of your application. Detailed information concerning processing of your personal data can be found at: privacy-policy.2021.pdf (nordea.com)

We reserve the right to reply only to selected applications.

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 15 grudnia 2022, wyświetleń: 2


Kategoria: Finanse / Ekonomia

Informacje dodatkowe:


Aplikacja na stanowisko: Junior Process Officer with Danish Language Skills in Łódź

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

Powiadamiaj mnie o podobnych ofertach pracy

Next-Jobs informuje, że administratorem danych osobowych przetwarzanych w tym procesie rekrutacyjnym, jest podmiot publikujący ofertę pracy. Podmiot ten odpowiedzialny jest również za realizację wszelkich obowiązków prawnych, o jakich jest mowa w ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.)
Wysyłając aplikacje akceptujesz nasz regulamin.

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Finanse / Ekonomia
2 400 - 2 500 Euro
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Obsługa klienta / Call Center