Data Engineer


Ogłoszenie nr: 45901
Opublikowano: 13 marca 2024, wyświetleń: 2



Główne cechy

Opis stanowiska

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! We are on the hunt for a Data Engineer to join our team. Your workspace will be in the heart of Poznań, where you will get to flex your IT muscles and be a part of our thriving Poznań team.
We can't wait to read your applications! Remember, the application form is your friend - make sure you fill it out thoroughly. We're looking forward to finding our next Data Engineer!
What we expect
A degree in (business) informatics, (business) engineering with a focus on data engineering and data analytics, or a comparable education
You have already gained initial professional experience in a manufacturing group company
You have experience in data management, modeling, and data warehousing
You have proven expertise in ETL, ideally in tools such as Talend or SSIS
You have a sound knowledge of SQL
You enjoy working in an agile and dynamic environment and ideally have experience in project management with SCRUM
Your strong communication skills and your high service and team orientation help you in your everyday work
You speak English well and feel comfortable in a global team (German language skills - nice to have)
Employment agency entry number 47
this job offer is intended for people over 18 years of age
What we offer
A competitive salary that matches your skills and experience
Contract of employment
A comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, a benefits platform with a lot of points to use every month
Continuous learning and development opportunities, including training programs and workshops
Hybrid model of work in the modern office in the centre of Poznań
Your tasks
You are responsible for the planning, design, and maintenance of the ETL jobs for data transfer and the data warehouse structures
You lead projects to expand the enterprise data warehouse and develop central data models
You design the content and technical aspects of data management
You are the contact person for data management, data modeling, data warehousing and ETL
You are involved in the automation of processes and analytical use cases
You advise and support a specific department as an internal business partner
You maintain an overview and are the owner of the enterprise data catalog
You take responsibility for the enterprise data warehouse, data model, and ETL as co-owner

Miejsce pracy: Polska, Wielkopolskie, Poznań

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 13 marca 2024, wyświetleń: 2

Informacje dodatkowe:

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Data Engineer

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

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