Technical Account Manager 2 (TAM Staff) - Warszawa


Ogłoszenie nr: 41654
Opublikowano: 23 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 3



Główne cechy

Warszawa, mazowieckie
Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Opis stanowiska

Your responsibilities
Adoption and Implementation
Uses advanced technical experience to understand the customers needs and resolves wide-ranged customer business challenges, as they relate to their technical environment and their usage of Equinix product and services
Provides advanced support to key account customers on technical design details, technical guidance, and supports the deployment and configuration of Equinix digital products
Provides technical implementation support to customers in implementing advanced technical solutions and/or products
Onboards and advises mid/large key customer clients during installation and configuration process; engages managed service offerings and partners with customers to revolve advanced technical issues

Advocacy and Support
Serves as an advanced advisor on mid/large sized customers on supporting wide-ranged technical customer matters, such as: when and how to consider expanding their platform, how to adopt new features, and when to upgrade software and/or hardware
Provides advanced onboarding support and advises clients during installations and configurations; engages managed services offerings, and partners with customers on how to approach and resolve a wide-range of business needs
Hosts trainings to customers on advanced technical product topics, including new design features and capabilities
Monitors communications between the customers, Equinix and partners to resolve the customer's advanced infrastructure matters

Solution Review and Consultancy
Advises the customer on wide-ranged advanced technical matters, such as: when to consider expanding their platform, how to adopt to new features, and when to upgrade software and/or hardware
Serves as a primary focal point for expert technical questions, ideas, and issues
Monitors advanced customer environments and establishes metrics to assist with the development of recommendations to improve performance of resolving advanced integrated systems and infrastructure
Provides expert level assessments to meet customer objectives and business requirements by creating a implementation roadmap and milestone/Key Performance Indications (KPIs)

Engagement and Learning
Shares knowledge and best practices with customers on advanced technical matters
Conducts expert design demonstrations and reviews of Equinix virtual products for large key customer account(s)
Hosts customer training and learning sessions on design usage

Best Practice Development
Creates and contributes to collective knowledge base by adding articles, for advanced internal processes, troubleshooting, and customer facing documentation
Collaborates across teams, including: GCCX, Sales, Product and Operations to create, refine and implement TAM business support processes
Gathers customer feedback and translates needs into effective recommendations for product organization

Collaboration / Communication
Assists account teams in efforts to maintain existing customer relationships and identify new opportunities
Proactively manages advanced level customer situations
Coordinates actions of the team to ensure customers and internal stakeholders have the information required to make decisions to resolve advanced issues quickly and ensure customers are receiving value from their platform and driving adoption
Collaborates and communicates with multiple internal teams to ensure advanced customer support resolution
Actively contributes to a positive team culture

Subject Matter Expertise
Demonstrates advanced knowledge of Equinix virtual products to design, build, and troubleshoot complex design customer deployments
Articulates expert level knowledge of Equinix products and technical domains including: networking, security, cloud, data science, compute, application development, and enterprise applications

Relationship Management
Our requirements
Proven years of professional experience, Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience
What we offer
Hybrid work 2 days in the week from the office in Warsaw Spire
Rich package of benefits for employees - Lux Med, Multisport, lunch card, group insurance, IP rights, parental leave and more
Equinix employees are eligible for annual bonus and RSU's (Equinix's stocks units)
Participation in stock purchase ESPP program
sharing the costs of sports activities
private medical care
sharing the costs of professional training & courses
life insurance
integration events
no dress code
coffee / tea
meal passes
employee referral program
charity initiatives
Job Summary
The Technical Account Manager (TAM) Staff (Specialist level) is a seasoned experienced professional that provides on-going technical customer account support while working on problems within a diverse scope. Focused on mid/large strategic customer accounts to ensure the investment value of Equinix services. Onboards and advises customers during installations and configurations, engages managed service offerings, trains customers on technical product topics (including new features and capabilities) and serves as a seasoned technical advocate for assigned customer accounts. Receives little instruction on new assignments.
Equinix is the worlds digital infrastructure company, operating 250 data centers across the globe and providing interconnections to all the key clouds and networks. Businesses need one place to simplify and bring together fragmented, complex infrastructure that spans private and public cloud environments. Our global platform allows customers to place infrastructure wherever they need it and connect it to everything they need to succeed.

We are a fast-growing global company with 20+ years of continuous growth. Through our innovative portfolio of high-performance products and services, we have created the largest, most active global ecosystem of 10,000+ companies, including 2,000+ networks and 3,000+ cloud and IT service providers in 32 countries spanning six continents.

A career at Equinix means you will collaborate on work that impacts the world and be surrounded by endless opportunities to learn new skills and grow in varied directions. We embrace diversity in thought and contribution and are committed to providing an equitable work environment that is foundational to our core values as a company and is vital to our success.

Technical Account Manager 2 (TAM Staff)


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Opublikowano: 23 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 3

Firma: Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Lokalizacja: Warszawa, mazowieckie

Kategoria: Sprzedaż

Informacje dodatkowe:

Equinix Poland Sp. z o.o.

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Technical Account Manager 2 (TAM Staff) - Warszawa

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Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

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Wysyłając aplikacje akceptujesz nasz regulamin.
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