Account Manager IT


Ogłoszenie nr: 1129
Opublikowano: 10 października 2022, wyświetleń: 2



Główne cechy

Poznań, wielkopolskie
Aniołowie Konsultingu
Forma zatrudnienia

Opis stanowiska

We are looking for a specialist with professional experience in the field of sales of HR services for the IT industry on foreign markets.
We offer work on interesting projects and an attractive salary system - may sky will be your limit!

Account Manager IT
We are open to various options (basis & bonus) so we prefer to talk about money at the meeting
Remote or hybrid
Employment contract or B2B

Main responsibilities:
Identification of business opportunities and acquisition of new customers on foreign markets
Co-creation of the sales strategy for recruitment services in the IT industry
Preparation of offers and sales presentations in line with the client's needs and company standards
Negotiating terms, concluding commercial contracts and achieving sales goals
Participation in fairs and conferences
Close cooperation with the recruitment and marketing team
Expanding knowledge about the latest technologies and solutions in B2B sales and marketing
Our expectations:
Several years of professional experience in the field of sales of HR services for the IT industry
Interest in the IT area and new technologies
Fluency in spoken and written English
Creativity and the ability to look for new solutions in acquiring customers
Experience in conducting business meetings and presentations
Great independence and a proactive approach
Assertiveness and the ability to deal with stress
Ability to cooperate with both the client and the recruiter
Goal-oriented and positive attitude to action
We offer:
Opportunity to develop and improve your competences on interesting projects
Great freedom in making decisions, the ability to implement your own ideas
Employment contract or B2B contract, depending on your preferences
Attractive salary and bonuses based on realistic assumptions
Flexible working hours
Work in a remote or hybrid mode (we currently meet 1-2 days a week)
Flat organizational structure
Non-wage benefits, incl. Multisport Plus card, English or German lessons
Trips and integration events
A great atmosphere in a well-coordinated team :)
If you want to talk about the details and see that we don't throw words into the wind, please send your CV and fill out the form. We'll contact you as soon as possible!

Powiadom mnie o podobnych ofertach:

Rejestrując powiadomienie akceptujesz postanowienia naszego regulaminu.

Opublikowano: 10 października 2022, wyświetleń: 2

Firma: Aniołowie Konsultingu

Lokalizacja: Poznań, wielkopolskie

Forma zatrudnienia: B2B

Informacje dodatkowe:

Aniołowie Konsultingu

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Account Manager IT

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

Powiadamiaj mnie o podobnych ofertach pracy

Next-Jobs informuje, że administratorem danych osobowych przetwarzanych w tym procesie rekrutacyjnym, jest podmiot publikujący ofertę pracy. Podmiot ten odpowiedzialny jest również za realizację wszelkich obowiązków prawnych, o jakich jest mowa w ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.)
Wysyłając aplikacje akceptujesz nasz regulamin.
Okechamp S.A. :: pomorskie :: ponad 30 dni temu

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Umowa o pracę