Automation & Controls Engineer


Ogłoszenie nr: 53550
Opublikowano: 23 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 0



Główne cechy

Gdańsk, pomorskie
Northvolt Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.

Opis stanowiska

Your responsibilities
Defining and development of automation requirements specification and control system architecture
Design and implement automation systems for advanced factories, consisting of conveyors, vision systems, AGVs and specialized manufacturing equipment
Be part of the team to select key automation solution suppliers and collaborate to deliver turnkey solutions to enable prototyping or manufacturing
Work jointly with industrialisation and manufacturing teams to identify and implement new opportunities to upgrade automated processes and increase productivity
Our requirements
Degree in Electronics, Mechatronics, Software Engineering or similar
5+ years of experience within Industrial Automation in automated manufacturing environments such as: automotive, semiconductors, pharmaceutical, medical devices etc.
3+ years PLC/SCADA programming, especially Siemens TIA portal systems and Beckhoff
3+ years in OPC connectivity and MES interfaces
Experience developing robot cell in manufacturing, preferably with KUKA, FANUC or ABB robots
Experience in designing electrical schematics using CAD tools such as EPlan or AutoCAD
Experience in writing technical documentation (Requirement specifications, Functional design, UML, Test Cases, Test Records)
What we offer
Stable employment conditions - employment contract
Private medical care in LUX MED extended package with a freedom of treatment (partial refunding of invoices) for the employee fully paid by the company
MyBenefit System monthly card top-ups, the possibility to purchase a Multisport card
Co-financing postgraduate studies
English lessons
Employee referral programme
Financing of commuting by bicycle
Christmas/holiday bonuses from Employee Benefit Fund (ZFŚS)
Co-financing of sports activities and integration budget
The possibility to invest in Northvolt groups shares
Relocation bonus
Work in an international environment - the ability to use English daily
Opportunity to develop and acquire new skills in a company taking part in the transformation to renewable energy
Friendly and open working atmosphere in a diverse team
Karta MyBenefit
sharing the costs of sports activities
private medical care
sharing the costs of foreign language classes
sharing the costs of professional training & courses
flexible working time
corporate sports team
no dress code
extra social benefits
redeployment package
employee referral program
opportunity to obtain permits and licenses
We are looking for a dedicated and driven Automation Engineer to join us in our mission to contribute to a greener future. The role is a part of our excellent and passionate Automation team based in Stockholm. By joining us, you will be a key player in developing Manufacturing Engineerings capability in automation and contribute to building one of the first large scale European battery factories.
As a Lead Automation Engineer you will be working closely with the industrialisation and manufacturing teams to design and implement a highly automated production process both in terms of production process control, material handling and robotics.
Northvolt is an equal opportunity employer. We're a diverse group of individuals, united by a common mission, who recognise that while our actions as individuals have a role to play in driving Northvolt towards its goals, we always seek to move forward as a team. We offer you an open and welcoming atmosphere where we win as a team and fail as a team. Northvolt is growing at the speed of light and we are a strong believer in internal career development. For us its important to look at your skills and potential, please refrain form including your picture and age with your application to help us with this
Northvolt Poland sp. z o.o.
Northvolt is a European supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems. Founded in 2016 to enable the European transition to a decarbonized future, Northvolt has made swift progress on its mission to deliver the worlds greenest lithium-ion battery with a minimal CO2 footprint and the highest ambitions for recycling. Among Northvolt industrial partners and customers are ABB, BMW Group, Scania, Siemens, Vattenfall, Vestas and the Volkswagen Group.

Northvolt Ett is a next generation battery cell factory focused on process innovation, scale and vertical integration. Once completed, the gigafactory will be one of the largest battery cell factory in Europe and produce at least 32 GWh of capacity annually.

Alongside Northvolt Ett, Northvolt is also establishing a manufacturing site for battery systems in Gdansk, Poland. This facility, Northvolt Battery Systems Jeden, will industrialize and produce world leading battery systems in order to meet the increased demand for complete battery solutions on the European market. The factory is a highly automated, state-of-the-art production facility for battery modules and energy storage solutions.

We are currently in an exciting fast-growing phase and operate in a dynamic environment, dealing with a wide range of stakeholders. We are staffing our international office in Stockholm, our R&D facility, Northvolt Labs in Västers, as well as Northvolt Battery Systems Jeden, in Gdansk, for production of battery systems. We are also preparing for upcoming positions at the main factory, Northvolt Ett, in Skellefte.

We want to work with experienced manufacturing experts as well as talented and purpose driven people from all kinds of disciplines to make this happen. Those of us already on board share a bold streak and a passion for our mission. We are prepared to work hard in pursuit of excellence. We enjoy the ride and our main drive is to make a real difference. We are a team dedicated to thinking new, working hard and having fun. Join us today!

Automation & Controls Engineer


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Opublikowano: 23 stycznia 2024, wyświetleń: 0

Firma: Northvolt Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.

Lokalizacja: Gdańsk, pomorskie

Kategoria: 0

Informacje dodatkowe:

Northvolt Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.

Aplikacja na stanowisko: Automation & Controls Engineer

Imię i nazwisko:• pole wymagane •

Twój e-mail:• pole wymagane •

Treść wiadomości:• pole wymagane •

Załączniki: • List motywacyjny, Curriculum Vitae, Inne •

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